Ironsides Macroeconomics 'It's Never Different This Time'
Ironsides Macroeconomics 'It's Never Different This Time'
Transition Time

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Transition Time

Falling inflation volatility morphs into increasing economic vol, political tail risk skews negatively, Jackson Hole preview, back to the low correlation tech led rally, for now

This is an audio summary of our August 17 note, Transition Time

Figure 5: LBJ’s Great Society kicked off the Great Inflation, the 10% tax subsidy exacerbated inflation and Nixon’s wage and price controls, strongly supported by Fed Chair Burns (his real mistake), turbocharged inflation.

Barry C. Knapp

Managing Partner

Director of Research

Ironsides Macroecono…

This post is for paid subscribers

Ironsides Macroeconomics 'It's Never Different This Time'
Ironsides Macroeconomics 'It's Never Different This Time'
Macroeconomic and public policy strategy
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Barry C. Knapp