Ironsides Macroeconomics 'It's Never Different This Time'
Ironsides Macroeconomics 'It's Never Different This Time'
Audio: The Soft Underbelly

Paid episode

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Audio: The Soft Underbelly

Taper Tantrum aftershock risks, really low real rates, the dubious recession narrative, additional risks

This audio recap focuses on our August 20 note, The Soft Underbelly

Figure 2: After each month’s retail sales report FinTwit is filled with commentary about how retail sales are actually weak after inflation. In fact, despite the rebalancing of consumption from goods to services in 1H22 as pandemic constraints ease, retail sales ex-autos, gas and buildin…

This post is for paid subscribers

Ironsides Macroeconomics 'It's Never Different This Time'
Ironsides Macroeconomics 'It's Never Different This Time'
Macroeconomic and public policy strategy
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Barry C. Knapp